Space Blast: Tangible Augmented Reality | March 2023

Reconfigurable Physical Arcade
Through Augmented Play

Space Blast is a dynamic arcade board that enables physical interaction for augmented reality games. It aims to bring back the physicality to digital play, while exploring the "what if" we could feel and move augmented objects, untangling the lines between the physical and digital world.



Individual Research | Design, Prototyping and Development

I researched, designed and prototyped all physical and digital artifacts of this installation, including: secondary research, interaction design, sensors and actuators integration, arduino-based software development, and AR development through Unity Game Engine and Oculus Interaction SDK. This is individual research as part of my masters degree.


HCDE 539: Physical Computing and Prototyping | Spring 2023
Professor: Andrew Davidson
Masters of Science in Human-Centered Design and Engineering
University of Washington

Project Goals

Intuitive User-Centered Design

Develop an effective 3D interactive gamepad with novel affordances requiring minimal learning.

Promote enhanced physicality in play

Focus solution in fostering psychomotor skills, 3D thinking, and creativity.

Ensure scalability and versatility

Cater to the curiosity and interests of young kids, while ensuring flexibility and re-use.

Prototype a tangible augmented reality experience

Develop an interactive, sensor-driven augmented reality prototype as proof-of-concept.

Optimize device interoperatibility

Efficiently facilitate communication between sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and mixed reality display.


The goal for this project was to achieve a workable physical computing prototype in two weeks. The design was streamlined and expedited, giving priority to the prototyping process.


Secondary Research



Diagrammatic Circuitry
Hardware Integration
Interaction Prototyping


Interaction Design
3D Design + Modeling
Digital Fabrication

Arduino Development
Unity Development
AR Development




System Diagramming


While this project focused in the novelties of introducing tangible affordances to augmented reality for kids, I conducted a literature review to learn about the current challenges surrounding children's and their use of digital devices.

Secondary Research Findings

Extended screen time use can have negative effects on young children.

● Longer exposure to digital devices is related to lower language and mimimized gestural skills in young children.

Young children spend more time playing with screens than physical objects

● Kids are spending an average of 6 hours per day on digital devices. Equivalent to 40% of their awake time.

Children learn and enjoy more interacting with physical objects.

● Physical play leads to significantly more learning and enjoyment compared to screen-only interactions.

In summary, digital interactions are becoming an essential element in children's life, but its use seems to diminish the time the can give to real physical play, suggesting that a medium between physical and digital play could bring some relief to this issue.


Concept Design

I created an initial mockup with a simple concept: providing an empty canvas with sensors and actuators that would come "alive" through augmented reality, allowing the user to touch, feel, and move objects that are both physical and digital in nature.


Physical Board

Flat colored board with fixtures and sensors, using 3D printing and laser cutting.

Augmented Board

AR overlayed game environment, as the user moves some of the outlined sensors, the game would respond accordingly.


Hello, Tangible AR!

First, I had to demonstrate that a tangible, sensor-powered board with AR overlays is possible. I prototyped a simple system and I tested it with the Meta Quest Pro.

System Architecture

For this prototype, I relied on having a Windows PC as intermediary between the microcontroller and the headset.

Ideally, a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi-enabled Arduino would have been preferred, which was beyond the scope of this work.

Serial Communication

I created a proof of concept where a ribbon potentiometer would drive the movement of a small sphere. This was driven by serial communication between the arduino and the computer, interpreting the values in Unity.

Board Calibration System

The next challenge was to achieve accurate tracking of the arcade board by the headset, considering it would change locations between uses.

I 3D printed a casing for the left controller(1) and used it as a positional anchor, when triggered (2), the headset would record the controller current position and overlay the game geometry in the correct place.

Proof of Concept

This video showcases the positioned board in Augmented Reality. I was able to effectively manipulate geometry in real time that responded to the sensors location.

For this, I calibrated all components by mapping their outputs, measuring their size and shape, and creating a "digital twin" copy of the system inside of unity.

Tangible Board Design

After successfully driving AR interactions with the sensors and microcontrollers fixed to their location, I designed, modeled, and printed the components to drive each of the sensors.

Tangible Controllers

Four different types of tactile input: Push, Turn, Hover, and Shake.
These would use potentiometers, buttons, and ultrasonic sensors.

Dynamic Game Design

I pivoted the design, from a "farm" specific template, to a generic one, with the
goal of enabling multiple types of applications: learning, play, or entertainment.

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Rodrigo Tarriba